Self: an infinitesimal dot of the natural world we exist

Nine months of dark, warm, protective cover, finally breaks open to experience the first glimpse of light. The moment it touches the shriveled baby skin of the new born – life begins to unfold the secrets around. It begins with a cry similar to the blowing of a bugle to declare the new arrival. The process of creation is unique and a miracle so commonplace that we hardly give a thought to it. Yet creation again and again unfolds it for us, so perhaps one day we pause to think if there is anything that it tries to teach. Science, the greatest feat of human progress, which delves in the whys of the ordinary and the obvious, reveals to us that we know very little of the universe we belong. But ironically, to many that very revelation brings the arrogance to defy the wisdom of an infinitely superior force governing the universe. We think what we do not understand – does not exist. Call it the darkness of ignorance or the arrogance of the dunce, we walk on this earth knowing nothing about our own existence and the purpose of our life.
The greatest gift of creation to humankind is the power to think beyond foraging and propagating your own species. The pursuit of individual pleasure without a care of the physical and social environment around belittles the very purpose of existence. Deep within, this banal chase leaves us more unfulfilled and hollow. The happiness eludes, leaving nothing but grudge and malice towards everyone because there are too many clashes of interests to deal with when you go solo.
When self-appeasement circumscribes our every act, the severance from the collective existence is bound to happen. And then the sudden realization of this lonely existence swells the heart and we cry in defiance – I don’t care! The ‘I don’t care’ cliché more loudly tells something about us – we are hurt. And hurt beyond the point of forbearance. Much credit to the evolving, intolerant, antagonistic social sphere, we all have our inner demons grow rogue out in the open. Someone, once wisely said, ‘words have power’! And yes they have the power to heal and hurt equally well.
Life cannot be just a bunch of hedonistic pursuits. If that was the case no mother would carry and care for the unborn in her womb for nine months and through the years to follow; and no father would provide sustenance, warmth, and protection to the baby. The social order would crumble if to each his pleasures alone, becomes the goal of its denizens.
Nature has the greatest lesson for each one of us. In the natural world, while every species lives its life, it also serves another in some capacity. So, while the squirrel collects and hides acorns, digging holes all across the woods during autumn, to return in winter to the saved food reserve, it forgets to take out all the acorns it buried. And the early spring showers grow these forgotten acorns back to life as seedlings. For the humans, a conscious awareness of this collective existence is indispensable to give purpose to the heart that longs for lasting happiness not just temporary pleasure. Nature will teach us the purpose of our lives, if we let it free from the pursuit of egotistic desires we are running for. The chase is not worth!
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